What To Expect When You Have Piles?
What are Piles?

Piles are common, Credits: Pexels
Piles are a common term for hemorrhoids. They are inflamed and swollen tissue in the anal canal and lower rectum.
The symptoms may not be very obvious in some people and approximately 50% of the people (by the age of 50) in the United States have noticeable symptoms. It is estimated that 3 out of 4 adults have piles from time to time.
It is estimated that 10 million people in India suffer from piles. This alarming increase is due to stress, insomnia, constipation, food habits, and sedentary lifestyles.
In this article we will explore the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for piles.
What are the Causes of Piles?

Pregnancy can cause piles, Credits: pexels
The size of the piles may vary and they are found inside or outside the anus. They occur due to chronic constipation, diarrhea, pregnancy, lifting heavy weights, or straining when passing a stool. A family history of piles and obesity are considered as risk factors for piles.
What are the Symptoms of Piles?

Pain and irritation in the anus, Credits: pexels
If the symptoms are internal itching, anal bleeding, and a bulge that comes and goes with bowel movements, then there are chances you may have internal hemorrhoids. In external hemorrhoids, visible bumps and tags are a common one.
The following are the common symptoms of piles
Pain and irritation in the anal region
Even after passing stool, a person may experience the bowel to be full.
Following a bowel movement, bright red blood is visible.
Lumps and pain around your anus.
Fecal leakage
How Piles are Diagnosed?

Physical examination by a doctor to diagnose piles, Credits: pexels
A physical examination by a doctor helps diagnose the piles. A doctor will be able to identify based on the history of the person like the nature of blood in the stools, weight loss, and change in the bowel movements. A digital rectal examination will be performed to identify internal piles.
How to Treatment Piles?
The treatment for piles aims to reduce the itching and discomfort that are due to piles. The treatment usually depends on the severity of the disease.
Lifestyle Changes
To manage the piles, some lifestyle modifications are necessary.

A fiber rich diet is essential, Credits: pexels
To make your stools regular and soft, a change in the diet may be required. A diet with more fiber, with lots of fruits, and vegetables and bran based breakfast cereals, can help you lessen the symptoms.
Incorporate at least 20 to 30 grams of fiber in your diet.
Legumes, whole grains, cruciferous vegetables, root vegetables, squash, cucumbers, and apples are the ideal choices.
For occasional and mild forms of rectal bleeding, consuming at least 6 to 8 glasses of water helps. It is advisable to avoid caffeine and alcohol.
Foods to Avoid for Piles

A NO to dairy products, Credits: pexels
It is advisable to limit the foods that are low in fiber. The foods that are to be avoided for piles include white bread, cheese, and dairy products, meat, and processed foods.
Body Weight

A healthy body weight can help, Credits: pexels
Reducing your body weight can help reduce the severity of the piles. Performing exercises may help reduce the strain to pass stools, reduce the pressure on the vein, and prevent constipation.
Yoga for Piles

Yoga for piles, Credits: pexels
Certain yoga poses can help relieve the symptoms of piles. Some of the poses include legs up the wall, garland pose, child’s pose, wind relieving pose, shoulder stand, and plough pose.
For anal irritation that is due to inflamed hemorrhoids, over-the-counter (OTC) skin protective creams and a warm bath can provide relief.
OTC Medicines

OTC Medicines for piles, Credits: pexels
Painkillers, ointments, creams, and pads, can help soothe redness and swelling around the anus.
Corticosteroids are prescribed to help reduce inflammation and pain.
To help reduce the pressure on the lower colon and make a person pass stools easily, laxatives are prescribed.
To help reduce hemorrhoid swelling a cold compress can be used on your anus.
Surgical Options

Surgery for piles, Credits: pexels
The following are the surgery options of piles which depend on the severity of hemorrhoids.
Banding: For mild bleeding from internal hemorrhoids, “Rubberband ligation” can be used in which a rubber band is placed above hemorrhoids to cut the blood supply. The hemorrhoids tend to shrink and fall off.
Sclerotherapy: A medicine is injected to shrink the hemorrhoids. The hemorrhoids tend to shrivel up eventually.
Electrotherapy: A gentle electric current is applied to make the piles shrink.
Infrared coagulation: This procedure uses infrared light to cut the blood supply to the piles and shrink them.
Take Home Message
Piles are painful but do not pose a significant threat to your health. Several advances treatment for piles options are available to treat hemorrhoids.