Viral Fever Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
There is no human being on this planet who is not being diagnosed with a viral fever at least once in their lifetime. As can be gauged from the name itself, it refers to the condition when your body is infected by a virus. A virus can attack your gastrointestinal, respiratory, reproductive, as well as other systems of your body. A fever is a way of your body telling you that it is doing its best to fight the intrusion of a virus.
A high body temperature along with pain in various parts of your body, headache, and a burning sensation in the eyes are the defining viral fever symptoms. You will usually find yourself in the throes of such an infection as the season changes. Most commonly, it is the monsoon season that heralds its onset. However, a virus can attack your respiratory system even during winters as well.
You may be surprised to know that in spite of this infection being so prevalent, there are still many cases where it remains undiagnosed at the right time. People may experience the symptoms of viral fever, yet they ignore it by consulting a doctor. They think that by popping certain antibiotics they will be able to get rid of it. But what happens instead is that the viral infection progresses to extreme stages which in many cases turns out to be fatal.
So, what can you do when you are struck by a viral fever? Let us explore this condition in greater detail.
What Are the Symptoms of Viral Fever?

Woman sneezing, Credit: Pixabay
You should never ignore the symptoms of a viral fever. The infection is a warning signal from your body which is trying to alert you about the presence of a deeper health issue. Getting aware about the symptoms of viral fever is of utmost importance if you have a baby who is running a high temperature. Address the following symptoms as soon as possible:
Extreme muscle and joint aches
Runny nose
Facial inflammation
A feeling of thirst and dehydration
Headache with extremely high body temperature
Occasional shivering of the body
Extreme tiredness or exhaustion
Presence of redness in the eyes
A significant amount of appetite loss
If you or someone in your family is suffering from a viral infection, you might wonder about the possibility of you catching the virus. It is very common for people to ask questions like Does viral fever spread? The answer is, unfortunately, yes. You should not maintain a close contact with the affected person as you may also contract it.
What Causes You to Have a Viral Fever?

Child drinking water, Credit: Pixabay
There can be many causes behind your body being infected by a virus. The most common causes are:
Accidentally coming in contact with a person afflicted with viral fever.
Sexual contact with a person having viral fever.
Consuming adulterated or unhygienic food items or drinking water that is contaminated.
Living in the proximity of unhygienic areas.
A bite of an insect may also make you prone to a viral infection as many insects are a source of viruses.
What Is the Fastest Way to Cure Viral Fever?

Doctor and patient, Credit: Pixabay
Suffering from a viral infection is very common. But you may feel very uncomfortable when you are dealing with it. Nobody likes to run a high temperature and feel their whole body aching. So, it is natural for you to ask questions like ‘what is viral fever duration’ ? or ‘How many days it will take to recover from viral fever’? In extreme cases, a viral fever typically lasts upto two weeks and in other less severe cases you can recover from it in only 2-3 days.
The best cure of a viral infection can only be ascertained by consulting your doctor. He will be able to take your in-depth examination and prescribe you suitable antibiotics which will ensure that you recover from it as quickly as possible. Apart from that, the most useful way to help yourself manage this condition is to lay down on your bed and get plenty of rest. Besides, replenish your body with lots of water. Fever can result in the loss of fluids from your body. So save yourself from dehydration by hydrating yourself through hot soups, vegetable broths.
Treatment of Viral Fever

Doctor checking for fever, Credit: Pixabay
You might be surprised to come to know that you do not need any kind of treatment if you are suffering from a mild case of viral fever. It is because, many times you may get fever due to your body being involved in the process of eliminating microbes. So you should leave your body to do its task and just take rest. Over a short period of time you will eventually find yourself recovering from the fever. Your temperature will come down to normal and your exhaustion and body pain will also vanish on its own.
What Is the best medicine for fever?
For people who are suffering from a more severe case of viral infection and find that their temperature is not coming down to normal even after two to three days after being diagnosed with it, then it is a cause of concern. These people should immediately consult a medical professional.
Depending on the severity of the fever, your doctor may prescribe you one of the below mentioned medications. They are:
Drugstore medications
Prescription antibiotics
1. Drugstore Medications

Antibiotics are usually used to treat viral fever. But before you begin to pop a pill in your mouth, stop and take your doctor’s advice. Self-medication, unless you are a certified medical professional, is injurious to your health. Over-the-counter medicines like acetaminophen and ibuprofen are usually taken by people who are afflicted with viral infection. But you need to pay full attention to the dosage needs that is written on its label.
Be especially careful of the dosage that you administer to your child. Children are generally given less amounts of the medicine due to it being very concentrated. These over-the-counter drugs are effective in helping you get relief from the viral infection gradually.
2. Prescription Antibiotics

Doctor prescribing viral fever, Credit: Pixabay
When it comes to antibiotics, people usually inquire about Which antibiotic is best for viral fever? The best antibiotic is that which your doctor recommends after taking a thorough examination of your body. As mentioned before, a viral fever is your body’s way of telling you that it is battling an underlying condition. That underlying condition can be severe like pneumonia or a lung infection. So, instead of self-medicating with an over-the-counter medication, use that medication which is prescribed by your doctor.
Do not panic. Stay calm and apart from taking the medication given by your doctor regularly drink plenty of water to recover faster.
How to prevent viral fever from striking
It is not difficult to shield yourself from the threat of viral fever. For it, you need to first maintain your personal hygiene. Most infections including viral arise due to poor hygiene. If you maintain proper hygiene in the first place, then the chances of you contracting the virus will significantly diminish. Apart from that, eat a healthy diet that is rich in essential vitamins and minerals which provide you immunity to fight the virus. If your immune levels are strong, then your body can easily handle a viral attack.