Vaginal Burning Causes And Remedies – The Complete Checklist
vaginal burning is a common symptom that is seen in most of the women. Burning sensation in the vagina can be caused due to many reasons like irritants in and around the vagina, diseases that are transmitted sexually. Your doctor will be able to guide you about the treatment based on the exact cause of the vaginal burning. Any form of burning or irritation that occurs in any part of the body can cause a lot of discomfort to us. Vagina is a private area that needs to be taken care of well.
Top reasons for your burning vagina

women feeling vaginal burning, Credits: pexels
Use of artificially scented products or other irritants
If you use perfumed products like tampons, or shower gels down there then they can alter the ph level of the vagina and irritate you. Other irritants include contraceptives, toilet paper, soaps, detergents etc.
Wet wipes that you use in your private area
Vagina can clean itself. It produces certain secretions which act like a natural cleanser and can help remove the bacteria and toxins naturally.
You are scratching too much
Few skin conditions can lead to excessive scratching, if this is the reason then talk to your doctor about it.
You are going through menopause
during menopause you might feel a sensation of burning or itching within the vagina. It could be due to dryness in the vaginal wall due to low estrogen levels.
You are not drinking enough water
Bacterial vaginosis
certain bacteria can grow inside vagina and cause inflammation, burning, itching. Certain STD can also cause this to occur.
Yeast infection (vaginal candidiasis)
if yeast grows inside the vagina, then inflammation can occur. It might lead to a burning sensation.
Genital herpes
this might lead to pain during urinating.
UTI or Urinary Tract Infection
since the urinary tract and vagina are close by, any irritation in the UTI can seem like the vagina is burning.
You do not change your gym clothes
if you do not shower or clean yourself up after working out then it might cause vaginal irritation.
Treatment for vaginal burning

women taking medicine, Credits: pexels
Vaginal irritation is common and will fade away by itself. But you may contact your doctor if you think it is serious.
Vaginosis and STD- antibiotics are used
Menopause- estrogen supplement
Steroid creams
Are there home remedies for vaginal itching, burning, and irritation?

Below listed are a few ways in which you can reduce irritation or burning by yourself at home:
Only water or any natural soap can be used to clean it
Don’t use scented products like soaps, shower gel or sprays
Use clean undergarments of a good material
And, Use protection during sex
Use a moisturizer for the vagina or some form of lubrication
Abstain from sex until you are ok
Avoid scratching
Icepack can be applied to calm down the symptoms
Use Vaseline for dryness