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Top natural histamines to fight allergies

Writer: Shruti GOCHHWALShruti GOCHHWAL

Histamine is a substance triggers symptoms of allergy like sneezing, red eyes, throat problems etc. Over-the-counter drugs help to combat allergy. But these medications don’t come without side effects. So why not try some natural antihistamines and benefit immensely from them. A few herbs and natural foods work like an antihistamine and block its effects.

Allergies can bring your whole system down leading to sneezing, itchy eyes, inflammation etc. allergy symptoms rise when our body reacts to a foreign substance. Allergens could be pollen grains, dust etc. they come in contact with the membranes of our body parts like nose, lungs, throat etc. This eventually leads to histamine release. Histamine is solely responsible for sneezing, red eyes, flu etc.

Food and plant extracts as natural antihistamines

Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea):


Echinacea is a popular herb used worldwide to treat many health issues. Echinacea is known to be a natural antihistamine and is used to treat respiratory problems.

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare):

fennel a natural antihistamines

Foeniculum vulgare

Fennel is a very well known herb. It is potentially filled with antioxidants specially Quercetin. It acts as a natural histamine blocker. Helps in treating allergy and inflammation.

Boil some water and add fennel to it. Make a tea and drink it through out the day, specially post meals.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale):

ginger as a natural antihistamines is very effective

Zingiber officinale

Ginger is very well known to one and all. Cut it up and boil it in water for around half and hour. Drink this mixture 2-3 times in a day.

Basil (Ocimum sanctum):

What foods are good antihistamines


This is a popular herb worldwide. It is a great antihistamine and can even reduce acne, heal cuts and wounds.

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla):

chamomile flowers

chamomile flowers

Well, this natural flower is widely loved and used. It is a powerful antihistamine. Chamomile tea helps you calm and relax after a tiring day. So go ahead and enjoy your cup.

Papaya (Petroselinum crispum):

A natural histamine blocker. You can either consume it or apply topically on the affected area.


natural antihistamines turmeric

Turmeric powder

Turmeric is widely known for its healing and antiseptic properties. It can even be used in anaphylactic cases. It is popularly used in cooking in India. You it can either consume it in a powder form or use it fresh. Slice it up and you can even make a pickle out of it.



Watercress is well known for its anti-histamine properties. It is often used as a part of cooking, specially in salads. It blocks the release of histamine.


natural antihistamines

Bowl of Capers

Capers have high amount of antioxidant in them. They can be easily grown in your kitchen garden. They inhibit the release of histamine and can treat allergy symptoms well.

Vitamin C:

vitamin c as a powerful natural antihistamines

Vitamin C written with fruits

Vitamin C is a potent natural substance that helps in alleviating allergy. Its filled with anti-oxidants and inhibits histamine.  Around 2 grams of vitamin C daily is sufficient to block histamine.

Vitamin C is present in many fruits and vegetables including:

  1. Oranges

  2. Lemons

  3. berries

  4. broccoli


natural antihistamines butterbur

A Butterbur

Butterbur is natural antihistamine found in Asia, Europe, and some parts of North America. It is used to treat allergic rhinitis.

Potential side effects

  1. difficulty in breathing

  2. tiredness

  3. makes you feel sleepy

  4. itching eyes

  5. can lead to headache

Scientific evidence on whether it is beneficial for long-term use is insufficient. Raw extracts are proven to be having harmful effects. It is helpful in treating allergies in those people who have allergy to other natural substances.


natural antihistamines


Bromelain is a naturally occurring enzyme. It is an essential part of pineapple fruit. It has natural antihistamine properties and can treat inflammation or swelling. Studies show that it is a potent anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory agent.

It can also cause some negative effects like:

  1. irregular menstruation

  2. digestive tract goes haywire

  3. heart issues

If you are allergic to it, then please avoid it. It is widely available even in stores.



Writing Probiotics

Probiotics are known to keep your gut happy. They balance out the gut microorganisms well. They are known to enhance our immunity levels and help you fight against allergies, inflammation etc.

Stinging nettle plant

It’s a naturally occurring antihistamine. The leaf extract of stinging nettle is freeze- dried and is used to treat allergies. Sip its hot tea, prepared from its leaves or even cooked for eating. Their sting is lost when you cook the plant.


A popular antiseptic, helps you fight infections. It is even effective against bacteria or fungi.


 natural antihistamines

A bucket of Quercetin

Quercetin is powerful antioxidant flavonoid, which is a part of plenty of fruits and vegetables. Studies have proven it to relieve allergy symptoms. It is known to have anti-allergic effects. Animal studies have proven it to treat allergic rhinitis, but there is a lack of sufficient scientific proof for this.

Quercetin is naturally present in many foods like Herbal teas, vegetables, fruits, berries etc. Although, foods that contain it have low levels of antioxidant. So it is advised to take it on the form of supplements. That will help in treating allergy much better. It’s use is known to be safe with a very few side effects. May be headache or so.

Essential Oils as Antihistamines

natural antihistamines essential oils

oil and flowers

Essential oils should never be consumed internally. They should be mixed with the main oil and then used in order to avoid irritation.

  1. Caraway Seed Oil: has the potential to treat allergies and is a good natural anti-histamine.

  2. Clove Oil: loaded with anti-histamine properties. Can be used to treat allergies.

  3. Lemon balm (also known as melissa): an essential oil that can be used to treat inflammation and inhibit histamine.

Other methods to treat and prevent allergy symptoms

How can I reduce histamine

person taking medicine

Keep the allergen at bay

Pollen, pet dander, or mold spores are well known allergens and should be avoided in the first place itself. Reduce their contact as much as possible.nAntihistamine drugs can reduce allergy symptoms like sneezing, itchy eyes etc.

OTC drugs include:

  1. oral medicines

  2. liquids or syrups

  3. nasal sprays

  4. eye drops

  5. Immunotherapy

In case the allergy medications fail to achieve the desired results, then immunotherapy can be given by a healthcare professional. To desensitize the body from an allergen, injections are given by your doctor. This is a long process in which the body gets immune from it in due course of time.

If someone is suffering from pollen allergy, then sublingual method of immunotherapy can be given. This takes place by keeping a tablet underneath the tongue.

Treatment with epinephrine

In case of an emergency a y epinephrine shot (Auvi-Q, EpiPen) should be taken. It can be a real life saver in emergency conditions.


A combination of natural substances, self- care and avoiding the allergen can help you combat allergy issues. Certain natural substances have antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties which help in alleviating allergy symptoms. Certain natural substances as antihistamines are bromelain, turmeric, basil, Echinacea, ginger, vitamin C etc. So go ahead and try these and fight those allergens out.

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