Snoring And Weight Loss: There’s Actually A Connection!
There must be nobody in this world who hasn’t been around a snorer at some point in their lives. We often find them very annoying and try all sorts of ways either to make them get rid of their snoring weight loss or to get ourselves as far from them as possible. But did you know that snoring is more than just an irritating condition that many seem to exhibit? Persistent, heavy snoring is a sign of a lifestyle-related illness.
It can also be seen as your body’s way of telling you that you’ve piled on many extra pounds than it can handle. Snoring weight loss, both of them are intimately connected in a vicious pattern. One gives rise to the other, and before you know, you become a victim of one or the other obesity-related health condition.
Is there a way to break this pattern? There certainly is. Keep reading to know-how.
How Snoring Affects Weight Loss?

A person stepping on the weighing machine, Credits: Pixabay
When you sleep, your neck muscles relax. When these muscles over relax, it makes your nose and throat become narrower than usual for the air to reach the lungs. It results in the surrounding tissue vibrating and causing snoring noises. Snores become heavy and louder as your air passage in the nose and throat becomes narrower.
When people become overweight, fat accumulates in different parts of their bodies. When this fat accumulates in your neck, it makes its size larger. A neck that exceeds 16 inches compresses the upper airway, i.e., your nose and throat, especially when you’re lying on the bed at night. Hence, this compression of the airway results in you making snoring sounds.
Apart from the neck, excessive belly and chest fat can also make you an annoying snorer. Your diaphragm is pushed upwards, and the fat on your chest makes your ribcage compressed. Consequently, the capacity of your lungs is reduced. This restricts the flow of that air, which is needed to prevent the collapse of the throat.
Hence by lowering your body fat, you can automatically feel a remarkable difference in your snoring. Many people have successfully minimized or resolved their problem of snoring after weight loss.
Snoring Can Cause Weight Gain – How?

A person with belly fat, Credits: Pixabay
Everyone knows the importance of a good night’s sleep for optimal health. In fact, those on a weight loss journey are advised to get 6-8 hours of quality sleep every day to keep their hormones and blood sugar levels stable. Excessive snoring does not let you sleep properly. Due to a lack of sleep, you feel tired and worn out the next day. To compensate for the lack of energy you feel afterward, you inevitably reach out for high sugar foods.
Apart from overeating, you also don’t feel like exercising when you’re sleep-deprived. The combination of overeating and lack of exercise directly leads to weight gain. Weight gain and excess fat, as you just read above, is what makes you snore even heavier than before.
How Can You Get Rid of Snoring by Losing Weight?

Healthy food and exercise equipment, Credits: Pixabay
Eat smaller and nutrient-dense foods, and stop eating 3-4 hours before bedtime.
Swap unhealthy foods with healthy alternatives. For example, substitute milk chocolate with dark chocolate, white flour with brown flour, etc.
Make sure to move your body often. Engage in 30-45 minutes of physical activity daily.
Make fruits and vegetables an essential part of your diet and eat till you’re satisfied, not full. This snoring diet weight loss can effectively help you to shed extra pounds.
You will feel a tremendous difference in snoring before and after weight loss. Just focussing on your health will enable you to get rid of this noisy problem and impart quality sleep so that you wake up rejuvenated the next day.