Seven Surprising Causes of Acidity
Acidity is a very common problem. Do you know what acidity is and what the home remedies for acidity are?
What is Acidity?
A woman suffering from acidity, Credits: pexels
The food we consume goes into our stomach through a tube called oesophagus. The gastric glands in the stomach create acid that is necessary to digest the food.
During acidity, the gastric glands tend to secrete more acid than necessary for the digestion process, which creates a burning sensation below the breastbone.
Acidity is also called acid reflux or hyperacidity which creates pain around your chest area. This pain is termed as heartburn and occurs when the stomach acid flows back into the food pipe.
When acidity happens more than twice a week, the condition is referred to as Gastro esophageal reflux disease or GERD.
Chronic acidity can lead to oesophagus damage, increased risk of oesophagus cancer, and cavities.
Symptoms of Acidity
A woman experiencing acidity, Credits: pexels
The most common symptoms of acidity are:
Bad breath
Burning sensation and pain in the chest.
Difficulties in swallowing
Seven Surprising Causes of Acidity
Eating large meals
Tight belts
Side effects of certain medications
Smoking and alcohol
Lifestyle factors
Coffee causes acidity, Credits: pexels
Both decaffeinated and caffeinated coffee can cause heartburns. The ingredients in the coffee can lead to increased production of acid in the stomach.
Eating Large Meals
Snacks causes acidity, Credits: pexels
Having a large meal during the night or lying down immediately after a heavy meal can cause acidity. It is always better to have food at least 2 to 3 hours before bed. This helps reduce the acid reflux at night.
Tight Belts
Tight belts causes acidity, Credits: pexels
Tight belts can put pressure on your abdomen and can cause your stomach contents to push harder against the valve that keeps food in the stomach.
Obesity causes acidity, Credits: pexels
Obesity also increases the risk of acidity. The more weight you are, the more pressure in the abdomen, which makes the food travel in the wrong direction.
Side Effects of Certain Medications
Medicines causes acidity, Credits: pexels
Sometimes acidity can be due to side effects of certain medicines like NSAIDS, antibiotics, medicines used for blood pressure, depression, and anxiety.
Smoking and Alcohol
Alcohol causes acidity, Credits: pexels
Consumption of alcohol and chronic smoking can also lead to acidity.
Lifestyle Factors
Stress causes acidity, Credits: pexels
Lack of sleep, excessive stress, lack of physical activity can also cause acidity.
Remedies for Acidity
H2 blockers
Proton pump inhibitors
Anatacids to treat acidity, Credits: pexels
Antacids can neutralize the acids that cause pain. Gelusil is the most recommended chewable pill for acidity.
H2 Blockers
For recurring heartburn discomfort, Zantac and Pepcid are good choices. These are histamine blocking agents.
Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI’s)
For more serious issues like ulcers, doctors recommend these medicines. These medicines reduce acid production by blocking an enzyme in the wall of the stomach. If you feel that your symptoms of heartburn are severe like difficulty in swallowing, weight loss, you should consult your doctor immediately.
Home Remedies for Acidity
Ginger to treat acidity, Credits: pexels
Acidity can be relieved through home remedies also. Some of the home remedies are listed below:
Coconut water
Basil leaves
Coconut water
This sweet drink can soothe your stomach and digestive system.
A glass of buttermilk helps normalize the acidity in the stomach.
Basil leaves
Basil leaves have anti-ulcer properties and can provide instant relief from acidity.
Ginger neutralizes the acid and can help in the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients.
Bananas are natural antacids and act as a buffer against acid reflux. They prevent the recurrence of acidity.
Lifestyle Changes To Combat Acidity
Fiber-rich foods are essential, Credits: pexels
The following lifestyle modifications are necessary to combat acidity.
If you are overweight, lose weight
Have a fiber-rich diet
Maintain a regular eating time
Avoid spicy foods
Don’t have late-night snacks or heavy meals during the night
Avoid carbonated drinks
Stay physically active
Avoid medicines that cause acidity
Yoga for Acidity
Yoga for acidity, Credits: pexels
Some of the yoga poses that can be tried to ease acidity are listed.
Supta Baddha Konasana, or Reclining Bound Angle
Supported Supta Sukhasana, or Reclining Easy Cross-Legged
Parsvottanasana, or Side Stretch with Upright Modification
Virabhadrasana I, or Warrior I
Trikonasana, or Triangle
Parivrtta Trikonasana, or Revolved Triangle
Take Home Message
Acidity can be avoided through lifestyle modifications and having the right food at the right time.