Piles: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Hemorrhoids, piles, or bawaseer is the presence of vascular structures in the anus. In normal circumstances, they aid in the passing of the stool. However, when one is suffering from piles, they become swollen or inflamed. This common ailment affects people of all ages and is caused by a range of factors like diarrhea, constipation, and excessive straining at the time of bowel movements.
There can be a lot that can be done as part of piles treatment to help the person get rid of this condition. Let us find out how you can manage it.
Causes of Hemorrhoids
Woman sitting on a toilet seat, Credit: Pixabay
In piles or bavasir, the veins in your anus are always under high pressure. It causes them to swell and become severely inflamed. Its causes maybe one of the following:
Chronic constipation
Consuming a diet that lacks in fiber
Indulging in frequent weight lifting sessions
Apart from these causes, you can also develop bawasir as you age. With aging, the tissues supporting rectum and anus veins become weak. They start stretching and coming under pressure. The same thing can also take place during pregnancy in many women.
Symptoms of Piles
Man experiencing piles pain, Credit: Pixabay
Piles symptoms depend on the type of hemorrhoid you are experiencing. Piles can be divided into three categories.
External hemorrhoids
Internal hemorrhoids
Thrombosed hemorrhoids
Symptoms of External Hemorrhoids
Swelling in your anus canal
Constant itching in the anus region
Symptoms of Internal Hemorrhoids
Blood during the bowel movement.
Pain felt in the opening of the anal
Symptoms of Thrombosed Hemorrhoids
Extreme pain
Swelling and inflammation
Formation of a lump in your anus
Do note that immediately after experiencing these symptoms, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor.
How Are Hemorrhoids Diagnosed?
Doctor diagnosing patient, Credit: Pixabay
The symptoms of piles converge with those of other conditions. So it becomes necessary to schedule an in-depth examination to confirm its presence. Your doctor may recommend the following tests.
Digital rectal exam
Piles Treatment
Various kinds of medicines, Credit: Pixabay
There are various treatment options to help the patient get relief from this condition. The treatment depends upon the severity of the hemorrhoid. One of the foremost lines of treatment includes the usage of ice packs to minimize swelling. You may also be prescribed some hemorrhoid creams to get relief. It is the first line of treatment and it provides relief to those patients who are suffering from mild hemorrhoids. For those individuals who are having a severe case of piles, surgical treatments are the only option for them. Some of the major surgical treatments include
Hemorrhoidectomy or the removal of hemorrhoids
Using infrared photo or electrical coagulation to burn the hemorrhoid tissue
Rubber band ligation or Sclerotherapy therapy to minimize the hemorrhoids
Your doctor may also recommend some medications that will control your hemorrhoids symptoms and soften the stool. They also help in the reduction of hemorrhoids swelling. Some of the common stool softeners are Docusate sodium, Colace, and Correctol.
There are also many home remedies that involve using witch hazel, aloe Vera, and the like which contain many anti-inflammatory properties.
Can Hemorrhoids Be Prevented?
High fiber food items, Credit: Pixabay
You can certainly prevent yourself from developing the condition of piles. Just follow the tips mentioned below:
Eat a diet rich in high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, and wholegrains. It will soften your stool and you won’t have to strain during your bowel movements.
Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day.
When you are passing a stool never strain or hold your breath.
Exercise everyday as it will help to reduce the pressure on your
Stay active throughout the day. Do not sit for long periods of time.
Piles is a treatable condition and most patients do not take long to recover from it. However, if you feel like you are unable to manage the pain, then it’s best to seek a doctor’s help.