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How To Die Without Pain | Depression Is Just Another Disease With Treatment

Writer: Shruti GOCHHWALShruti GOCHHWAL

Exposure to suicidal behaviour by others can be an important risk factor for both self-harm and suicide. This situation might occur through direct exposure, such as in social groups, and through portrayal and reporting of suicidal behaviour in the media, both traditional (eg, newspapers and films) and new (eg, the internet). Madelyn Gould and colleagues present the results of an elegant study that showed that newspaper reports of initial suicides in suicide clusters might differ in important ways to those of single suicide. This finding underlines the importance of media responses to suicidal behaviour and the need to address these in prevention activities. We often feel dejected and feel life is not worth living, that people around you don’t value your or understand you. There are many methods by which you can commit suicide.

Most common is by hanging, drug overdose, using firearms, drowning. Suicides are often not well thought and take place in a rush of the moment. There are some easy ways to commit suicide or die where you don’t have to feel any form of pain. You can opt for drug overdose, or some form of poisoning to die an easy death and die painless. Other ways to die painlessly are drowning where you are unable to breathe. Carbon monoxide poisoning or death by asphyxia can also result in reduced oxygen supply to your body and take your breath away. Fasting or dehydration are also other methods to commit suicide. People also often try to come in front of moving vehicles like cars and trains, but that requires a lot of courage and your body is totally crushed.

Many people are affected by each suicide. Increasing concern about the needs of people bereaved by suicide has been emphasised by incorporation of this issue into national suicide prevention policies. However, as Alexandra Pitman and colleagues show in their review of this topic, investigation of the effect of bereavement by suicide, especially in terms of the differences compared with other types of bereavement, has proved challenging. As expected, the nature of the relationship to the person dying seems to be crucial, with perhaps the greatest adverse effects occurring in people who lose a partner, parent, or off spring by suicide. Feelings of rejection and shame might be specific common bereavement experiences, which emphasises the need for better organised and accessible help for people who lose someone through suicide.

Feeling that life is not worth living and having suicidal thoughts are symptoms that all physicians encounter from time to time among their patients. Both clinically and in research, the role of depression is the first aspect to consider, and then perhaps whether the feelings might have a rational basis linked to severe somatic disorders. There is an ongoing debate concerning the rationality of feelings of wanting to die, assisted suicide and euthanasia . However, data on suicidal feelings and associated factors in the elderly population are scarce. A recent study reported a prevalence of suicidal feelings of 2.3% in a sample of subjects aged 70 years and over. They found a correlation with depressive symptoms, but after controlling for the latter there were still associations with institutionalization, being single, disability, poor health, pain, and hearing and visual impairment. Similarly, in a study by Paykel et al., the 1-year prevalence of suicidal feelings was 9% among members of the population-based sample aged 60 years and over. These authors found an association with psychiatric symptoms (particularly depression), social isolation, stressful life events, poor health and having few religious beliefs.

When controlling for depression, disability with regard to daily living activities was found to be associated with suicidal thoughts in both non depressed and depressed subjects. Several studies have reported that such disability is related to the prevalence of depression as well as to the emergence of depressive symptoms. Other factors that were found to be associated were institutionalization, visual problems, the use of psychotropic drugs, being single, a history of psychiatric disorder and increasing age. Several of these associated variables also raise the question of possible intervention and do not necessarily reflect a rational basis for wanting to die. suicidal thoughts were strongly correlated with the presence of a depressive disorder, and should be detected during the discussion of rational aspects of the wish to die in the elderly, especially in view of the fact that depression is known to be both under-recognized and undertreated in the elderly.

No physician would ever accept the ‘rational’ aspects of suicidal thoughts in a depressed person before treatment, even if that person is very elderly. Subjects who were not depressed and still had suicidal thoughts tended to have more depressive symptoms overall, and the possibility of treatment must be considered in these cases as well. Some of these individuals might have been in the earlier stages of a depression.

Ways to reduce suicide are ban the products that could be used in suicide, like firearms, drugs etc. There are some ways in which you can overcome mental breakdown and depression. You should take help of a psychiatrist or a counsellor. Talk and open up to them about your thoughts and what you feel. They will be able to figure out a root cause for your behaviour and might provide you a solution for it. There are many suicide helplines that you can contact in case of help  and emergency. You should create a support group or join some club. Pursue a hobby that you like and distract your mind.



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