Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Breast Pain
Are you experiencing breast tenderness and pain? Symptoms of pain, tenderness or tightness in one or both breasts usually don’t mean anything serious. But it can be a matter of concern if you experience the pain quite regularly, and you shouldn’t ignore it.
Here are Some Reasons why your Breasts Hurt?
You can experience breast pain during pregnancy, menstrual cycle or if you have cysts or infection. Some reasons behind breast pain are listed below:
1. Breast Cysts

Doctor examining the breast cysts, Credits: pixabay
Breast cysts are commonly found in most women. These are lumps or fluid-filled sacs which are usually non-cancerous and can happen in one or both of the breasts.
Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cysts may Include:
You can feel an easily movable, round or an oval-shaped lump with distinct edges.
In some cases, nipple discharge can be observed that may be clear, straw or yellow coloured.
Pain and tenderness in the area can be observed.
Breast cysts usually don’t require any treatment. But in case it becomes large and painful the fluid from the cysts is drained out as a part of treatment.
2. Cyclic Breast Pain or Cyclic Mastalgia

Breast pain during menstruation, Credits: pixabay
If you observe breast pain during Pregnancy your menstrual cycle then it is referred to as cyclical mastalgia or cyclic breast pain.
Signs and symptoms of cyclic breast pain include:
Pain and tenderness in the breast that can be felt during the onset of the menstrual cycle.
In some cases, swelling may occur with burning and stabbing pain.
The breasts may become lumpy.+6
Cyclical breast pain can be treated by taking OTC (over-the-counter) painkillers and wearing well-fitted bras.
3. Mastitis

Breast pain due to Granulomatous mastitis, Credits: pixabay
It is an inflammation of breast tissue that most commonly affects women who are breast-feeding (lactation mastitis). Granulomatous mastitis, another form of mastitis is a very rare breast inflammatory disease that clinically mimics carcinoma of the breast.
Signs and symptoms of mastitis include:
Breast pain, and tenderness
Swelling of the breast tissue, redness, thickening or formation of a breast lump.
Fever of 101 F (38.3 C) or greater and chills.
Antibiotics can help you feel better in a day or two, in case you are not breast-feeding.
4. Breast Pain During Pregnancy

Breast pain during pregnancy, Credits: pixabay
Breast pain in pregnancy is commonly observed in the first trimester. The pain results due to higher levels of progesterone during your pregnancy. Pain under the right breast or left breast is common and can be frightening for first-time mothers. Your body is changing internally in an attempt to make room for the child, and the reason for your pain can be varied greatly.
What kind of breast pain indicates pregnancy?
The breast may feel sore, sensitive, or tender to the touch.
They may also feel fuller and heavier.
Avoid foods such as caffeine, high-fat meals, soy products, and chocolate. Drink more water and less salt to avoid water retention in breasts.
5. Breast Cancer

Breast cancer patient, Credits: pixabay
Breast cancer doesn’t mean breast pain and is usually non-painful. Women with breast cancer report pain only when it becomes infected or enlarged enough to cause pain. Breast pain to some extent is usually present with inflammatory breast cancer which has other distinct symptoms as well.
If you experience any lump or abnormality that causes pain, it is best to get checked than ignoring it till it’s too late.