Heart Attack Symptoms In Men And Women
Cardiovascular diseases like heart attack and stroke are becoming increasingly common. The unhealthy lifestyle of people has made the occurrence of heart attacks more frequent than ever before. However, heart attack symptoms that one experiences are not quite what they are shown in advertisements and films. Real-life signs of suffering from this life-threatening attack are not necessarily painful. Most of the times, the person having an attack doesn’t even know that he or she is experiencing symptoms of heart attack.
When the heart attack symptoms are not clear and visible, it means that you are suffering from a silent heart attack. Alternatively, you can also experience a feeling of squeezing or pressure in your chest area. It is called a mini or mild heart attack. Finding out about the symptoms and signs of an impending heart attack is crucial to attaining treatment at the right time. It will help you prevent and not fall victim to this fatal condition.
Heart Attack Symptoms in Men

A fainting woman, Credit: Canva
So what are the four signs of an impending heart attack? Men may feel symptoms that are a bit different than women. Common signs include:
Slight discomfort or pain in the chest centre. This feeling can be described as a type of fullness squeezing or pressure that one experiences at the core of their chest. It does not start suddenly, but slowly over time.
Does your body warn you before a heart attack? It certainly does. Pain in areas like the neck, back, and one arm or both the arms. The feeling can be described as a heavy pressure being exerted on these areas. It is one of the lesser-known heart attack symptoms which should not be taken lightly.
Feeling like vomiting, nausea, and cold sweats are also some of the symptoms that people confuse with flu. However, if you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night with these symptoms, then you should immediately become aware that something is amiss. These should not be confused with having flu or as a side-effect of stress.
Difficulty in breathing can be accompanied by chest pain. Or you may also not feel breathless. This difficulty in breathing can also occur with a spell of unconsciousness. You may also experience difficulty in performing physical tasks that you previously performed with ease.
Heart Attack Symptoms in Women

A woman feeling chest pain, Credit: Canva
Women can feel symptoms that are a bit less obvious than men. It makes them unaware of the fact that they are indeed struck by a heart attack. Heart attack symptoms in women are the following:
An infrequent pain in the chest area. This pain does not remain at all times. Women can feel chest discomfort that comes and goes.
Feeling a buildup of pressure at the base of their chest or the area of the upper abdomen. Even a slight pain in this area should not be ignored.
Women also feel discomfort in specific areas of their bodies. These areas include the upper back, neck, and the jaw.
Women may vomit or feel nauseated when they are about to get a heart attack.
Like men, women may also find it challenging to take deep breaths. It should not be ignored as it is one of the major symptoms of heart attack.
Digestive issues like indigestion may also occur before a heart attack.
Women experience considerable fatigue or exhaustion when they are about to get a heart attack.
What Does a Mini Heart Attack Feel Like?

A man feeling chest pain, Credit: Canva
Heart attacks are not all of the same intensity. Some can be more severe, while others can be less. A mini or mild heart attack is a result of temporary obstruction or blockage in the arteries. The sufferer experiences symptoms that may not last for a long duration of time. It is also known as a silent heart attack as the person may feel normal immediately after the heart attack has occurred. Mini heart attack symptoms include
A buildup of pressure or pain in the core of the chest
A pain that is concentrated in the throat area
A general sense of exhaustion
Difficulty in breathing
Discomfort or pain in organs like the neck, upper back, jaw, and the stomach
A feeling of dizziness and nausea
Cold sweats
A mini heart attack is a way by which your body warns you against the unhealthy lifestyle that you are following. Although not much damage is done to your heart, yet, you should start paying attention to your diet and take the necessary to preventing such a heart attack in the future.
How long do heart attacks last?
The duration of heart attacks varies according to their severity. A mini heart attack can last for as less as a few minutes. On the other hand, a classic heart attack can make you experience painful symptoms for as long as thirty minutes. You should immediately consult your physician if you experience any of the heart attack symptoms mentioned above. Do not at any cost ignore or feel that the symptoms are a by-product of any other minor illness like stress, flu, or general exhaustion.
Heart attacks have become very common. It is important for everyone to educate themselves on its symptoms so that they can save their or their loved ones life in time. Also, to prevent yourself from falling victim to it, follow a healthy lifestyle, avoid stress, and exercise regularly.