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Writer's pictureShruti GOCHHWAL

Common FAQS On Kidney Diseases

1.  What is a Kidney Disease?

Kidney disease, also called renal disease, is the general term that denotes damage to the kidney and its reduced function. Whereas, the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is where the kidneys are unable to flush out toxins and waste product from the blood. This can happen all of a sudden or over time.

2.  Most Common Types Of Kidney Diseases?

Glomerulonephritis, Kidney stones, Polycystic kidney disease, Urinary tract infections are some of the common types of kidney diseases.

3.  What Causes Kidney Diseases?

There are many factors that can cause kidney problems. Some of which include:

  1. People who are suffering from blood or fluid loss.

  2. Who consume Blood pressure medications.

  3. Have diabetes

  4. Have high blood pressure or another Heart disease.

  5. Infection

  6. Obesity

  7. Age over 60 years

  8. Liver failure

  9. Physical injury of kidney in the past

  10. Extensive use of medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, sodium naproxen or associated medicines.

4.  Whom to Consult if you Have a Kidney Disease?

In case you are looking for a doctor to check your kidney problem then you must visit a nearby nephrologist. A nephrologist is a medical doctor who specializes in kidney care and treating diseases of the kidneys.

5.  What are the Symptoms of Kidney Diseases?

When you have kidney disease you feel more tired, unable to concentrate and sleep properly. You may also experience the need to urinate more often and can find blood passing in your urine, foamy urine, swollen ankles and feet, and puffiness around your eyes.

6.  How Can Kidney Diseases be Treated?

Chronic kidney disease has no cure and treatment usually consists of measures that help control various signs and symptoms, decrease complications, and slow down the progression of the disease. You will need to be treated for end-stage kidney failure if the kidneys are severely damaged.

7.  How to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy?

In order to keep your kidneys healthy and function properly try the following:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids and water.

  2. Consume a healthy and balanced diet. Look for all the vitamins and minerals that are important for your body.

  3. Watch your blood pressure.

  4. Don’t smoke or drink too much alcohol.

  5. Don’t put on weight and keep your body weight under control to help your kidneys.

8.  Can You Reverse Kidney Damage?

Acute Kidney failure/ damage can be reversed after the underlying cause has been treated

Typically, within weeks or months kidneys begin functioning again. Till then the patient is kept on Dialysis.

9.  Is Drinking Plenty of Water Good for the Kidneys?

Drinking water is a healthier choice to make your kidneys work efficiently. This is because water helps to filter away blood contaminants that reduce the load on the kidney. Research studies have also shown that being well hydrated may reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

10. How is Anaemia Related to Kidney Disease?

A hormone called erythropoietin (EPO) is released by Kidney and is used to produce red blood cells by the bone marrow. When the kidneys are damaged they do not produce or make enough EPO due to which bone marrow fails to make red blood cells. So, kidney damage may result in anaemia.

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