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9 Common Stress-Induced Diseases And How To Treat Them

Writer: Shruti GOCHHWALShruti GOCHHWAL

All of us have experienced stress induced disorders at some point in our lives. And why not? Life itself is filled with uncertainties. Experiencing stress from time to time isn’t bad. It is crucial for your survival. Things get worse only when you continue to feel stressed for long periods of time.

You might think that stress only messes up with your mental and emotional health. In reality, it might wreak havoc with your physical health too! Stress induced disorders are more common than you think. Take a look at just what stress can do to you in the form of the following diseases.

Types of Stress Related Disorders

Stress can worsen any existing health condition that you might be suffering from. Unrelenting stress induced disorders can weaken your immune system and put you at risk of developing a host of diseases.

The most common diseases caused by stress are:

  1. Depression, anxiety, and headaches

  2. Viral infections like the common cold

  3. Indigestion

  4. Diabetes

  5. Obesity

  6. Heart diseases

  7. Cancer

  8. Premature aging

  9. Insomnia

1.  Depression, Anxiety, and Headaches

Depression, anxiety

A stressed woman, Credit: Pixabay

Increased stress related to different aspects of life like work, relationships, or personal issues can make you highly prone to mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. Chronic stress profoundly impacts the condition of our body and mind. Your attention, memory, and the ability to manage negative emotions is severely affected. It leads one to spiral into mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.

Prolonged stress also contributes to frequent headaches and migraines.

Treat it!

Begin by searching the cause behind your stress. Stop ignoring your stress. Dont be in a state of denial. Instead of losing hope, find out how you can overcome the challenges you are faced with. If you find that you cannot deal with the situation, always reach out for help.

2. Viral Infections Like Common Cold

common cold, Infection

Woman suffering from cold, Credit: Pixabay

You might feel like you are catching an infection every few weeks. Some days you suffer from a bad cough, other days, you have a stuffy nose that won’t let you breathe. If so, then you might want to sit back and find out if your stressed or not. Stress alters your immune system’s functioning so much so that even if you’re eating a healthy diet, you won’t feel its benefits.

Treat it!

Keep eating healthily, get adequate rest, and take care of your body. You will find yourself getting a lot stronger by merely relaxing and getting rid of that unwanted stress.

3. Indigestion

indigestion, bloating

Man experiencing discomfort, Credit: Pixabay

Do you always feel bloated, have stomach cramps, and experience frequent loss of appetite? Stress can increase the levels of acid in your stomach, make you feel nauseous, and give you constipation. It decreases the oxygen and blood flow to the stomach, leading to conditions like diarrhea, ulcers, and other gastrointestinal disorders.

Treat it!

Involve yourself in physical activities that release the hormone endorphins, which help in relieving tension and stress. Eat stress-busting foods like fruits and vegetables, chia seeds, and nut butter. Practice some meditation, which calms your heightened state of awareness due to stress.

4. Diabetes

Diabetes, blood glucose

A blood glucose monitor, Credit: Pixabay

Diabetes is one of the most common stress related disorders. You will get frequent urges to reach out for high sugar or high-fat snacks when you’re stressed. Increased stress releases a hormone called cortisol. Lack of physical activity and high cortisol levels may lead to the development of type 2 diabetes.

Treat it!

Check your blood sugar levels under control by eating a diet consisting of high protein and complex carbohydrates. Engage in regular physical activities and take your medications regularly.

5. Obesity

obesity, health

obese people, Credit: Pixabay

Stress can ruin your attempts at successfully losing weight. A high level of cortisol, the stress hormone, leads to ‘comfort eating’. It refers to eating more high fat and high sugar food items in large amounts. Increased stress slows your metabolism’s speed, which is essential if you’re trying to lose weight. Thus, you burn fewer calories and gain weight quickly.

Treat it!

Be mindful of what you’re eating. Pay attention to the portion sizes of your food. Drink more water, and prioritize a regular exercise regime. Just a 15-minute walk is enough to lower your stress levels and prevent you from overeating.

6. Heart Diseases

heart health

Food for a healthy heart, Credit: Pixabay

Stress accelerates your heart rate and blood flow in your body, consequently raising your blood pressure. High-stress levels raise your blood cholesterol levels. Emotional stress can trigger heart attacks and other cardiac issues. Managing stress is especially important for those people who suffer from chronic heart conditions.

Treat it!

Find out the reason behind your elevated stress. Monitor your blood pressure regularly. Consult a doctor if you find it hard to manage your blood pressure and need guidance on managing it.

7. Cancer

Doctor with patient

Doctor with patient, redit: Pixabay

Recent researches have linked stress with cancer. Chronic stress has the potential to completely shut down the body’s immune system, thus making it susceptible to a host of dangerous diseases. Long term stress causes inflammation in your body and makes you vulnerable to cancer. Higher workplace stress has been shown to increase the risk of prostate cancer. The unhealthy behavior associated with tension and stress like smoking and drinking can also make you a victim of many diseases.

Treat it!

Assess the reasons behind your stress. Specific treatments like musical therapy, relaxation therapy can help alleviate excessive amounts of stress. Many treatments can help you lower your stress levels, but it all starts with admitting that your stressed and reaching out for help.

8. Premature Aging

aging, health

woman feeling stressed, Credit: Pixabay

You can add ten more years to your appearance by being chronically stressed. The cells of your immune system age rapidly if you are stressed. On the other hand, stress-free individuals who always have a positive outlook of life age a lot slower than those who dont.

Treat it!

Keep yourself active and consume a well-balanced diet. Never lose hope whenever your faced with uncertain situations and always stay connected to your family and friends. You will instantly look and feel more youthful than before.

9. Insomnia

Insomnia, sleep

Women in bed, Credit: Pixabay

Sleeplessness is commonly associated with high-stress levels. Constantly feeling anxious about different aspects of your life can hamper your sleeping cycle. Chronic stress makes it difficult for you to benefit from a sound sleep. You spend hours worrying about all that’s bothering you instead of taking adequate rest. Insomnia can greatly interrupt your daily functioning and make you prone to more illnesses.

Treat it!

Stop thinking of troubling issues before your bedtime. Meditate before you sleep or read a book. Avoid caffeine; instead, drink a glass of milk to induce sleep. Make sure that you’re not engaging in a strenuous physical activity 3-4 hours before your bedtime.

As you can see, stress induced disorders can give rise to a host of health conditions which you can easily avoid. Managing stress in the earlier stages is essential to prevent yourself from falling victim to the conditions mentioned above.



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