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7 Pranayama & Yoga Asana Helpful In Maintaining Normal Blood Pressure

Writer's picture: Shruti GOCHHWALShruti GOCHHWAL

Today, heart conditions are affecting people at a rapid pace. Around a million people every year die from heart attacks, and strokes. One of the major conditions that makes the onset of a heart attack possible is high blood pressure. It is termed as a ‘silent killer’, as it displays no visible symptoms in the person. So, in the absence of symptoms people do not get themselves checked by the doctor. The next thing that happens to them is that they are at the hospital, fighting for their lives, due to a sudden heart attack.

Hypertension as a disease has become extremely common in the modern world. It is because today people are living and breathing an unhealthy lifestyle. Sedentary lifestyle, or a lifestyle devoid of much physical activity is commonplace. Apart from this, the diets of the people have worsened. They mindlessly consume junk food that is full of things like sodium, saturated fat and plenty of sugar. All of this collectively impacts their heart health in the long run. Is there a way to get out of this vicious circle and attain a calm and healthy body and mind? Yes, there certainly is. The answer simply lies in yoga.

Yoga for High BP

yoga asanas for high BP

Person doing meditation, Credit: Canva

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a health disorder that is defined by a higher than usual arterial pressure which is above 140/90. The standard or healthy blood pressure limit is 120/80. This high range of blood pressure develops mainly when you are stressed and are in a habit of smoking and drinking frequently. Obese and overweight individuals are too prone to hypertension.

How can you regulate your blood pressure levels and bring it down to what is considered healthy and normal? You can do so by exercising and eating healthily. When it comes to exercise, yoga helps a lot. But there are many asanas in yoga. It can leave one confused and they might wonder, which asana is helpful in maintaining normal blood pressure? By reading the rest of the article you will get to know exactly which asanas you should practice for maintaining a healthy blood pressure.

After consistently practicing the asanas mentioned below, you will find out why yoga for high blood pressure is so beneficial. Practicing these asanas regularly soothe the nerves in your body and relieves stress. Combined with a healthy diet, it will not take long for you to see your blood pressure levels drop to normal.

Which Asana Is Helpful in Maintaining Normal Blood Pressure

  1. Uttanasana or forward bend pose while standing

  2. Shishuasana or child’s pose

  3. Vajrasana or diamond pose

  4. Paschimottanasana or forward bend pose

  5. Setu bandhasana or bridge pose

1.   Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend Pose

yoga asanas for high BP

Person doing forward bend pose, Credit: Canva

The first yogic pose that will answer your question of which asana is helpful in maintaining normal blood pressure? Is uttanasana or the standing forward bend pose. To do it, stand erect and keep your hands on your sides. Next, begin lifting your hands till they reach above your head. Slowly start bending forwards until your palms almost come in contact with the floor or the ground. Your knees should not bend in the process. Be in this posture for a few minutes and then come back up.

2.   Shishuasana or child’s pose

yoga asanas for high BP

People doing child’s pose, Credit: Canva

You should begin doing this asana by kneeling on your mat or the ground with your knees hip width apart. Your toes should be together. Exhale and lower down your chest between both of your knees. Now extend your arms along the sides of your torso. Keep your shoulders relaxed to the ground.

3.   Vajrasana or Diamond Pose

vajrasana a yoga asanas for high BP

Women doing diamond pose, Credit: Canva

Start in a kneeling position. Your knees should be a bit bent and your thighs should go over your calves. Keep your head straight and face forward. Sit in a straight position. Rest both of your hands on your thighs. Inhale and exhale. For maximum benefits, do this pose after every meal you eat. You might wonder, how Is Vajrasana good for high blood pressure? This pose helps to increase  the circulation of blood and oxygen in your body and removes toxins.

4.   Paschimottanasana or forward bend pose

forward bend pose

Person doing forward bend pose, Credit: Canva

It is another great asana. To do it, first stand erect. Now start bending your knees and let your chest slowly come over your legs. Now, put your hands besides your feet or touch the ground. Inhale and let your chest extend. Exhale and press both of your legs straight. Try not to bend your legs. Be in this posture for around 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

5. Setu Bandhasana or bridge pose

setu bandhasana

Person doing bridge pose, Credit: Canva

It is a great yoga pose that can be done by everyone. Lay on the ground and start elevating your hips up slowly. Keep your hands by your side and bring your hips up as much as you can. Inhale and exhale and slowly bend down. Ten to fifteen repetitions of this pose are enough.

6. Viparita Karani or Leg up the Wall Pose

viparita karani

Person doing leg up the wall pose, Credit: Canva

It is a very relaxing yoga pose. This asana can be executed on the bed also. Lie down on the bed or the mat and place your legs against the wall. Your soles should be directed upwards. Keep your legs at a ninety degree angle with the rest of your body. Hold this pose for a few minutes.

7. Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Dog Pose

adho mukha svanasana for high BP

People doing downward dog pose, Credit: Canva

Come to all fours and ensure that your knees are exactly hip width apart. Now slowly start lifting your hips away from the floor and curl your toes. Keep your feet firmly on the mat or ground. Inhale and exhale five to eight times in this pose.

Which pranayama is beneficial for high blood pressure?

pranayama for high BP

woman doing pranayama, Credit: Canva

After reading about all the yogic postures above you might have received the answer to the question, which asana is helpful in maintaining normal blood pressure? Now take a look at the pranayama you can perform to attain a healthy heart.

  1. Kapal bhati pranayama, which can be performed by sitting in a cross-legged position while closing the eyes and taking forceful exhalations and passive inhalations. You should complete 30 fast breaths after which you will inhale deeply. It finishes one round of kapal bhati. Do two more.

  2. Bhastrika pranayama, which can be performed by sitting in vajrasana. Make a fist and place your arms near your shoulders. With every inhale raise your hands and open up your fingers or fists. Now exhale with a slight force and bring your arms at the starting position. Do this for 20 breaths.

  3. Bhramari pranayama is done by closing your eyes in a quiet place. Your index fingers should be placed on your ears. After breathing in, rest your ears and breathe out. Do the same pattern of inhaling for around six to seven times.

  4. Nadi shodhana pranayama is performed by sitting in a comfortable position and bringing the right thumb to the right nostril. Your ring and pinky fingers should be on the left. Middle and index fingers should be folded at the base of the thumb. Exhale and upon completing it, block your right nostril. Now inhale, this time through the left nostril. Exhale after releasing the right nostril. Again, block your left nostril. Now inhale from the right nostril. Do ten to twelve cycles of this breathing technique.

  5. Sheetali pranayama, which can be performed by sitting in a cross-legged position and keeping your body straight and relaxed. Start by placing your tongue on your lower lips. Now begin to roll your tongue. Start inhaling through the mouth and pause for some time. Now close the mouth and exhale. Do at least fifteen rounds.

  6. Udgeeth pranayama, which can be performed by sitting comfortably in a cross-legged posture. Inhale slowly and chant ‘OM’ even when you are exhaling. Chant it for as long as it is possible. A five minute duration is enough for this pranayama.

  7. Sheetkari pranayama, which can be performed by sitting in a cross-legged posture. Your hands should be on your knees and try to keep your back relaxed and erect. Start by joining both your lower and upper teeth. Your tongue’s tip should be right against the teeth that are in the front. Begin parting your lips and taking a deep breath in. it should produce a chilling sound. After closing the mouth, hold your breath for some time. Now exhale. Do this five times.

Hopefully, the article must have given you enough insights on the various pranayama’s and yoga poses you can do for maintaining your heart health. Start doing them today and see the results unfold.



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